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This quiz has 20 questions on different cities.

Which two cities have the largest populations?

Which city in Europe has the largest population?

Name the city with the largest population in USA.

What is the capital of Cambodia?

Istanbul is capital of Turkey. True or False.

By what name is Baile Atha Cliath better known as?

Thai people seldom call their capital Bangkok. What is its local name?

If you visited the city of Tallinin, which country would you be in?

Of which country is Ulan Bator the capital?

If you landed at O'hare airport, which city would you be in?

Is Jerusalem or TelAviv the capital of Israel?

Where would you find Chang Kai Shek airport?

Which city, according to Oscar Wilde, is an expensive place to die?

'If a man is tired of --------- , he is tired of life.' Of which city was this said?

There are two monuments called Cleopatra's Needle. In which cities are they?

Which large Kenyan city lies to the east of Lake Victoria?

What is the state capital of Georgia, USA?

What is the capital of Florida?

Which city known for its gambling is found in Nevada?

What does the name Philadelphia mean?

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ANSWERS to the quiz on CITIES

1. Mexico city and Tokyo
2. Moscow
3. NewYork
4. Phnom Penh
5. False. The capital is Ankara
6. Dublin
7. Khrung Thep
8. Estonia
9. Mongolia
10. Chicago
11. Jerusalem
12. Taiwan
13. Paris
14. London
15. London and New York
16. Nairobi
17. Atlanta
18. Tallahassee
19. Las Vegas
20. Brotherly Love