This week's quiz contains five lateral thinking puzzles. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were young and active people. Their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Jackson, was a 93-year-old invalid. One day, they asked her into their house to do something neither one of them could do. There was no skill that she had that they didn't have, so why did they need her help? 2. John and David were brothers. John married Jane. David married Diana. The strange thing was, John and Diana shared the same wedding anniversary. David's wedding anniversary was one month before this date and Jane's was one month after it. None of them had ever been divorced or remarried.What was going on here? 3. A man had some wood. On Monday, it was the shape of a cube. On Tuesday, he changed it into the shape of a cylinder and on Wednesday, he changed it into the shape of a pyramid. He did not cut or carve the wood into these shapes. How did he do it? 4. A truck became wedged under a low bridge. It could not move forward or backward without severely damaging its roof. The truck driver was perplexed until the little girl standing nearby suggested an easy solution. What was it? 5. A man pushing his car stopped outside a hotel. As soon as he got there, he knew he was bankrupt. Why? Visit
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