Religion and Philosophy

This quiz has 20 questions on 'Religion and Philosophy'. Enter the alphabet for your answer for each question and press 'Done' button. Your answers alongwith the correct answers will be displayed.

Autonomous member of the Anglican Community in Canada
A. United Church of Canada B. Unitarianism C. Anglican Communion D. Anglican Church of Canada
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The 11th sign of the zodiac symbolized by the water-bearer
A. Aquarius B. Pisces C. Capricorn D. Gemini
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Name given to the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, as a result of their long residence (1530 - 1798) on the island of Malta
A. Knights of Malta B. Ebionites C. Knights of Rhodes D. Disciples of Christ
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According to all four Gospels the precursor of Jesus Christ, born in Judea, the son of the priest Zacharias and Elisabeth, Cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus
A. Jonah B. Judas Iscariot C. John the Baptist, Saint D. Joseph, Saint
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According to the biblical account in Exodus, an idol cast at the foot of Mount Sinai from the jewelry of the Israelites by Aaron, brother of Moses, while Moses was on the mount.
A. Talisman B. Golden calf C. Flora D. Golden Rule
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Office of the Pope, the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church
A. Antipope B. Reformation C. Papacy D. Council
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That which is morally bad or wrong or that which causes harm, misery or pain
A. Fetishism B. Evil C. Free Will D. Yoga
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Moral and supernatural beliefs and ritual practices of ancient Babylonians (Babylonia)
A. Monophysitism B. Babylonian Religion C. Albigenses D. Falashas
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Opponent or antagonist of Christ; also, a false Christ
A. Jahweh B. Antichrist C. Faust D. Goliath
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In the Old Testament, son of Lamech, tenth in descent from Adam, and, as survivor with his family of the flood (Deluge), the father of all humanity
A. Shiva B. Noah C. Ham D. Jehovah
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An angel or heavenly being, of higher rank than angels
A. Talisman B. Cherubim C. Ave Maria D. Archangel
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One especially consecrated to the service of a divinity and through whom worship, prayer, or sacrifice, or other service is offered to the the object of worship, and pardon, blessing or deliverance is obtained by the worshipper
A. Shiva B. Priest C. Prophet D. King
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Friday immediately preceding Easter, celebrated by Christians as the anniversary of Christ's crucifixtion
A. Armistice day B. Imam C. Black Friday D. Good Friday
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The eigth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by a scorpion
A. Sagittarius B. Scorpio C. Cancer D. Capricorn
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Nonmaterial embodiment or essence of an organism, especially of a human being
A. Medicien Man B. Ghost C. Demon D. Saint
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In Christian liturgical year, the week immediately preceding Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday
A. Advent B. Holy Week C. Vespers D. Epiphany
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Honorary title of the Jewish masters of the Law
A. Rabbi B. Shaman C. Priest D. Abbess
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Religious beliefs of ancient people of Sumer
A. Roman Catholic Church B. Sumerian Religion C. Universalism D. Eastern Rite Churches
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The sixthe sign of the zodiac, symbolized by a virign
A. Taurus B. Leo C. Virgo D. Scorpio
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In Christian theology, the teaching that the eternal destiny of a person is predetermined by God's unchangeable decree
A. Gnosticism B. Celibacy C. Predestination D. Revelation
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