A Logic Problem
This is a logic problem that I picked up from a book some time ago. Use a piece of paper to solve the problem and compare your answer with the correct solution that can be seen by clicking on the 'Done' button.

Lose Your Weight

A certain TV commerical for a weight-loss program featured testimonials from six people (three of whom Ethan, Jake and Will are men and three of whom - Amber, Sasha and Talia are women) each of whom had lost a different whole number of pounds (at least 15 and at most 75). More impressively, each had kept the weight off for a different number of months ( at least 6 and at most 24 ). Each person credited his or her own success to a different type of exercise, as well as a different aspect of source (three of which - the magazine, radio, and TV ads - were ads and three of which - the coworker, neighbour and sibling - were word-of-mouth sources). From the information provided, determine the number of pounds each person has lost , the number of months each has kept the weight off, the aspect of the program each credits for his or her success, the exercise each performs and the source from which each person heard about the weight-loss program.

1. The person who spoke to a coworker lost exactly 15 more pounds than the jogger. Amber lost exactly 19 more pounds than the one who has kept the weight off for exactly 10 months. The person who swims lost exactly twice as many pounds as the one who saw the magazine ad.

2. The dancerciser (who has kept the weight off for exactly twice as long as the one who praised the program's knowledgeable instructors) isn't the person who lost exactly 38 pounds. The person who has kept the weight off for exactly 20 months lost between 14 and 18 more pounds than one of the women.

3. The person who does calisthenics lost at least 25 more pounds than the one who has kept the weight off for exactly half as many months as the person who lost the most weight. The person who lost exactly twice as many pounds as Talia does not swim.

4. The three people who heard about the program through a word of mouth are the dancerciser, someone who does not have a sibling and one who lost at least 36 more pounds than the person who credits the program's enjoyable process. Sasha is neither the person who does aerobics nor the one who walks.

5. The one who saw the TV ad has kept the weight off for exactly 5 months longer than the one who spoke to a neighbour. Jake has not kept his weight off for exactly twice as many as the person who heard the radio ad. The person who saw the magazine ad (who is not Amber) does not jog.

6. The three men are the one who spoke to a sibling, one who neither walks nor does aerobics and one who lost at least 15 more pounds than the person who likes the program's no-nonsense approach. The one who likes the program's defined goals lost more weight than the one who has kept the weight off for exactly 17 months.

7. Will, who credits the program's flexible schedule, has kept his weight off for exactly half as many months as the person who does aerobics. The person who lost exactly 53 pounds did not speak to a co-worker.

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