This weeks quiz has 20
questions Crime and Punishment.
- What were stocks used for?
- What was a gallows?
- What did it mean if criminals were
- What was the rack?
- What punishment was inflicted upon
Guy Fawkes?
- Is it true that criminals had to
pay for their keep in prison?
- What was the iron maiden?
- What does the expression 'to let
the cat out of the bag' refer to?
- What fate befell Anne Boleyn?
- What was strange about the
execution of 'Babacombe' Lee?
- What happened to people that
refused to plead in a criminal case?
- What was a ducking stool used for?
- What title was given to Matthew
- What were the tricoteuses?
- What happened to the prankster Til
- What official body was appointed by
the Roman Catholic Church to root out heresy?
- What was Alcatraz?
- Which were the chief opponents of
the Kray Twins?
- What was Al Capone finally
convicted of?
- What were the full names of Bonnie
and Clyde?
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