
Quiz Archive

Every week, you will find a quiz in this page on a variety of subjects. There are no prizes for answering correctly nor whiplashes for incorrect answers. That need not hold you back from testing your knowledge. Go ahead and have fun. If you have interesting puzzles, teasers, questions on any subject and you want them to be featured here, please e-mail them to me at webmaster@mohaniyer.com. I will acknowledge your contributions. I have also arranged chronologically all the previous weeks' questions in an archive. This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.



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  1. Are there land tides as well as sea tides?
    Yes, the moon has an effect in causing movement in "so-called" solid land.
  2. What is meant by 'Panspermia'?
    The notion that life arrived on earth from elsewhere in this universe.
  3. What is the name for the protein that functions as a biological catalyst?
    An enzyme
  4. What is another name for the star Polaris?
    Pole star, North star, Polar star
  5. What is the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way?
  6. What is the furthest planet visible to the unaided eye?
  7. Which is the largest planet?
  8. Which planet is nearest to the sun?
  9. Which is the most widely used of all solvents?
  10. Europa is the satellite of which planet?
  11. Which metal, used in jewelry, is much more valuable than gold?
  12. What is the speed of light?
    186,000 miles/sec
  13. How far is the sun from the Earth?
    93,000,000 mi.
  14. What is the moon's diameter?
    2,160 mi.
  15. What, in modern physics, is the name applied to an abrupt change from one energy level to another?
    A quantum leap
  16. What name is given to the treatment of food with heat to destroy disease causing organisms?
  17. What is the name given to a partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one heavenly body by another?
    An eclipse
  18. What is the scientific name for a state of complete emptiness?
  19. Which machine, invented by J. Murray Spangler in the early 1900's, has become a household world under another name?
    Hoover Vacuum cleaner
  20. What is the name given to an artificial device designed to replace a body part?
    A prosthesis

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