Every week, you will find a
quiz in this page on a variety of subjects. There are no prizes
for answering correctly nor whiplashes for incorrect answers.
That need not hold you back from testing your knowledge. Go ahead
and have fun. If you have interesting puzzles, teasers, questions
on any subject and you want them to be featured here, please
e-mail them to me at webmaster@mohaniyer.com. I will acknowledge your contributions. I have
also arranged chronologically all the previous weeks' questions
in an archive. This site is best
viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher.
Please click on the question to see the answer...
- Whose motto is "Ich dien" and what
does it mean?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | The prince of Wales. It
means "I serve".
- What is meant by the expression "Fat
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Let there be light.
- What does the term "carpe diem"
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Seize the Day.
- What did Heraclitus mean by the saying 'Panta
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | All things are in flux.
- What does "Que sera sera" mean?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | What will be, will be.
- How would you translate the greeting
"Salaam aleikum"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Peace be upon you.
- What do you understand by the saying
"Keine antwort is auch eine antwort"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | No answer is still an
answer (silence gives consent).
- What do you understand by "La donna e
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Woman is changeable.
- What do you understand by the expression
"Enfants s'amuent"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Children playing (used
ironically of adults).
- What is meant by the Irish expression
"Erin go bragh"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Erin forever.
- Why would you not fear a "fulmen
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | It is a harmless
- What is a "coup de foudre"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | A bolt of lightning.
- What is a "coupe de theatre"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | A dramatic twist.
- What is a "coup de poing"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | A punch.
- What is meant by "In vino veritas"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | People tell the truth
when drunk.
- What hopeful sentiments are contained in the
phrase "Dum spiro, spero"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | While I breathe, I hope.
- What did Galileo mean when he is alleged to
have said "Eppur si muove"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | It does move all the
- What is the meaning of the phrase "J'y
suise, j'y reste"?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | Here I am and here I
- What is meant by a vote of non placet?
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | It does not please (a
negative vote).
- What does a Muslim mean by the expression
![](_themes/arcs/arcbul2a.gif) | The will of god.
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