
Quiz Archive

Every week, you will find a quiz in this page on a variety of subjects. There are no prizes for answering correctly nor whiplashes for incorrect answers. That need not hold you back from testing your knowledge. Go ahead and have fun. If you have interesting puzzles, teasers, questions on any subject and you want them to be featured here, please e-mail them to me at webmaster@mohaniyer.com. I will acknowledge your contributions. I have also arranged chronologically all the previous weeks' questions in an archive.

Can you find the origin of these 10 currency names?

  1. The Indian Rupee

  2. The Russian Ruble

  3. The Italian Lira

  4. The Peruvian Sol

  5. The Brazilian Cruzado

  6. The German Mark

  7. The French Franc

  8. The Japanese Yen

  9. The English Pound

  10. The Spanish Peso


  1. From the root meaning "silver"
  2. Means "to cut" 
  3. From Latin Libra 
  4. Means "the sun"  
  5. Means "The Southern Cross"  
  6. From old German meaning "to mark" - to keep a tally  
  7. From Francorum Rex, a Latin inscription meaning "King of the Franks" found on medieval French coins  
  8. Means "round" and originated when Japanese money changed from being square to round  
  9. A pound of Silver  
  10. Means "weight" (as a silver dollar)


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