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This quiz has 20 questions on the human body.

The Human Body

  1. Which part of the eye controls the amount of light entering it?

  2. In which organ would you find the following three bones: hammer, anvil, and stirrup?

  3. Which blood vessels carry the blood away from the heart?

  4. What are neurons?

  5. What is the name of the membranes surrounding the brain?

  6. What is the name of the two nervous tissue linking the two halves of the brain?

  7. Which muscle controls the bending of your arm?

  8. What is the purpose of the cartilage?

  9. What is the name of the fluid in which red and white blood are suspended?

  10. What exactly do the two figures in measuring blood pressure refer to?

  11. By what are the muscles attached to the skeleton?

  12. Which blood vessels allow the blood to flow between the arteries and veins?

  13. What is the main purpose of the lymphocytes?

  14. What does the atrial septum divide?

  15. Which hormone maintains the blood sugar level?

  16. How much blood does the average person have?

  17. Where is the pituitary gland situated?

  18. In which part of the body would you find the phalanges?

  19. In which tissue are the red blood cell produced?

  20. Which is the longest bone in the body and where is it located?

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