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This week's quiz contains 5 lateral thinking puzzles from a book written by Paul Sloane.

  1. A man walked into a bar and asked the barman for a glass of water. They had never met before. The barman pulled a gun from under the counter and pointed it at the customer. The man said "Thank-you" and walked out. Why should that be so.
  2. A man walked into a bar and asked for a drink. The man behind the bar pulled out the gun and shot the man. Why should that be so?
  3. A man who wanted a drink walked into a bar. Before he could say a word he was knocked unconscious. Why?
  4. Two brothers were having a drink in a bar. Suddenly, one of the brothers got into a heated bartender. He pulled a knife and, despite his brothers attempt to stop him, stabbed the bartender in the chest.

    At his trial, he was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon an grievous bodily harm. At the end of the trial the judge said, "You have been found guilty of a viscious crime. However, I have no choice but to set you free." Why should this be so?
  5. A man is lying dead in a field. Next to him is an unopened package. There is no other creature in the field. How did he die?

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