We have always been curious about what the future has in store for us. It has been proved repeatedly, through several different means, that we are always looking to the future. Perhaps one major point that we always consider is education. The future of the world depends on how the children are taught. The world rests in the children’s hands and education truly decides if those hands will possess a gentle touch or a rough, crude one.

It is blatantly apparent that the Internet has revolutionized our lives. It has touched every area imaginable. From research to shopping, we are finding that the Internet is increasingly becoming the center of our lives. The potential of this powerful medium is tremendous and is bound to have a profound effect on education.

One of the numerous effects that the Internet will have on education is that classes will occur at home. We are already seeing that seeping in to the system as a college student can view lectures on the Internet without leaving home. As our technological march quickens, we shall see the Internet classes become common on grade school levels.

Education, however, goes beyond just the hours at school. The greatest philosophers have said that all of life is training. Any training adds to your education. Education encompasses all aspects of life, including values, ethics and discipline. Such traits of education are bound to change in the coming years.

Many people believe that the values of people during this century have declined rapidly. With swift urbanization occurring all over the nation, the coveted "small town values" are extremely hard to find. However, the new millennium can potentially change all of that. With communications technology getting better, we shall see a migration out of urban regions by everyone. People, no longer having to physically go to work, shall have the urge to return to the rural regions of America. This shall lead to the dismantling of major urban hubs in return for several small towns, providing for the return to those "small town values." Once these beliefs have been restored, education is bound to change. Values constitute much of education, what someone learns, what a person chooses to learn, like or dislike is firmly rooted in their values. Therefore, the return to "small town values" shall fuel an entirely different generation of children.

Education goes beyond just mental training as well. One of the epidemics that we are currently seeing is obesity and that is bound to change. In an appearance-conscious society that exists today, fat is a plague that must be wiped out at all costs. Therefore, in the next millennium, we shall see more emphasis on physical activity than ever before. We have long had a desire to be fit. The next millennium promises an era of fitness. The factors leading to this are numerous. One of the many is that people are realizing the dangers of excess weight. Apart from that, the technological advances in medical fields shall be able to erase any imperfections a person might possess. This not only adds to the appearance-conscious society, but also puts pressure on those who are over-weight, to change. We can also look to today’s generation and guess at how this shall influence the future. Kids today are more concerned about how they look than ever before. This trait shall carry on to the next generation, creating another fashion-conscious crowd.

Indeed, education is the key to the future. It is like we are given two doors to pick from, behind one is a perfect world and behind the other is chaos. The door we pick is upto us.

Date posted: December 20, 1999.

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