The Holidays are Here Again

"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way…." Songs such as these start to play in your head automatically. It is indeed that time of year. The Holidays are here again!

A few thoughts on the holidays from my perspective. Many of these "thoughts" might make me sound like the Grinch, but please do not think so. I love Christmas and respect it as much as the next person.

  1. "Ready, set, go!" The intense search for the right present begins on the day after Thanksgiving, official start of the "Holiday Shopping Season." Sure, this is the beginning of the shopping season, but if you do not have your shopping partially (or completely) done good luck; you are going to need it!
  2. "It’s war!" The squeaky shopping carts squeak louder than ever. Parents push at a frantic pace to be able to get themselves and their children what they wish. Panting parents are seen leaving the grocery store, very few have even the hint of a smile. The Holy Grail of Christmas shopping is to get every one exactly what is on their wish list, a spot seen seldom, by anyone, Bill Gates and us alike.
  3. "Hope I hooked them up right." Famous last words this time of year. Take out the lights, and make all kinds of shapes and figures, transforming your lawn in to a miniature city (you are going to, right?). The country of lights would be more appropriate name for the United States in the month of December.
  4. "Must hide, must hide!" Shopping all done? Hopefully it is, but that only accomplishes half of your tasks. The endless odyssey to hide the present continues this year. Every other hiding place possible has been used, and has been discovered. Dumping the presents in the most obvious place seems to suffice, only because that’s another task done with on the checklist.
  5. "Did you get the decorations?" The question is there, what is your answer. Getting the home ready for Christmas, a tough recipe requiring several ingredients. The lighting is set, but what about the tree. Lacing the tree with decorations is another Christmas ritual without which the holiday would not be complete. Does this make your home "Christmas ready"? Nope. As the song goes you still have to "Deck the halls with boughs of holly."
  6. "…’Tis the season to be jolly…" No words will better be able to describe the feeling that storeowners feel on the holidays. The cash registers playing "Jingle Bells" with their ringing sounds. One might almost feel that the storeowner’s chuckle during this time of year would resemble that of Newman in "Seinfeld." "Huhhahahahahaha"(try to read it. I tried my best to describe the laugh).
  7. "Mommy, please notice I’m on my best behavior." Perhaps the most positive aspect of Christmas is the arrival of Kris Kringle. In a last attempt to salvage presents from Santa, normally naughty kids change to angels (halo and all). This certainly takes a load off many parents. I do not know if Santa is real or not, but if you are all we can say is "Thank you."

The above is a light-sided view of Christmas. Christmas is indeed a fun time of year, with so many events and happenings. The expectant faces of children shine with delight when they see their presents on Christmas, no wonder it is the most important holiday in the world for many. Merry Christmas.

Date posted: November 29, 1998.

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