Red, Red Leaves and the Wait for Snow

The gentle crackle of leaves underfoot is scintillating. The blustery winds that come through tickle your cheeks tenderly as they pass. The dark night envelops the world earlier than any other time of year. The birds’ sweet call is lost until spring. Such changes and more are experienced during autumn.

Truly, the name for the season of autumn could easily be altered to "The season of changes." In my opinion, autumn is the season when most changes occur, slowly but surely. The colorful leaves line the roadways like a plush, red carpet arranged for a VIP. The leaves are a carefully arranged, but constantly, and quickly, changing, mosaic. The bright reds contrast the dull browns, probably one of nature’s symbolic hits.

Likewise, the blue skies do contrast the colder temperatures of autumn. The bright sun shining in a crimson blue sky conveys an illusive image. A mirage of summer, but a reminder of winter. The sunlight bathes the naked trees, trees that are just staring and waiting for their leaves to grow back slowly in spring. Season of change, season of contrast, is autumn.

Additionally, autumn is the beginning of an awakening. An awakening of football fans after a long, slow summer. It is at this time that beers start to fly off shelves, and chips disappear quickly, like the work of a sorcerer. This is the beginning of the best time of year for many. They watch the television intently as it buzzes its monotonous tone. The crowds at the stadium cheer loudly, and the radios shout, the commentator’s voice hoarse after only the first few games in the season. The big, burly once more take to the field enthusiastically, to the delight of several people.

Finally, autumn is often frustrating. It is like a day out fishing. We are the fish in this scenario, with autumn as the fisherman. Autumn dips the bait, we are delighted and rush to it. The rest, as they say, is history. The bait is snow. Aah! Snow. We waited all summer for that fluffy, white substance that attracts all children. Time passed slowly during summer, and in the final stretch, it seems to, literally, stop. Like Dobermans held back at the sight of a juicy peace of meat, our mouths water, yet we cannot, as hard as we try, as quickly as we try to run, get to the meat.

To sum up, I would like to say that I really try to enjoy autumn, because it is almost a perfect blend. The beautiful leaves make the season beautiful, and the start of football season makes the season exciting. Although all this is true, the tantalizing aspect of this season, is that last piece that never seems to fit in the jigsaw.

Date posted: November 22, 1998.

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