Population in third world countries: What Does it Hold in Store for us?

The late 1800’s were the beginning of an industrial revolution, a time when the world advanced rapidly. The start of this revolution was also the start of an incredible burst in population. Population since then has skyrocketed, spiraling beyond our control. The problem was ignored for a long time, until this problem could not be ignored.

There are several countries that are experiencing population problems already. One might think that this problem might occur in the industrialized countries because of improved health-care, but the root of the problem lies in third-world countries. Girls are wed there at a very young age increasing their chances of having more than one baby. Their cultures expect them to have more than one child. Birth control programs have already been put to use in those countries, without much success. One must ask, in such dire situations, what can be done?

Putting a restriction on the number of children a person can have is never going to reduce the world’s population rate. Population growth can hardly ever be stopped that way. People from those countries will flee as refugees, reducing the populations there, but causing an increase elsewhere. Putting such restrictions will also result in a rebellion by people opposing interference in their personal lives. Several people will simply shun the restrictions and continue to have as many babies as they want. Restricting the number of children per family is a tactic that is premature and will never result in success.

The only true way of putting a halt on population is just telling people the dangers of overpopulation. In overpopulated countries (and countries that are about to cross the line into overpopulation) there should be commercials, posters, and meetings showing the dangers of overpopulation. This is not a birth control program, instead an awareness program. The only way people are not going to have babies is if they do not want to. These posters and commercials should show the horrors of overpopulation. They should be powerful, matter how sickening. These posters should be able to convince a two-year-old about the increasing problems of overpopulation.

Controlling the population should be our first priority now, but what if it does not work? What if everything falls apart and the world’s population keeps growing? If something so drastic happens, nature will run its course. The earth can only provide a limited amount of food and water. Famines and droughts will occur wiping out much of the world’s population. A new plague, a new destructive force, will be introduced to the world. This plague will wipe out as many people as necessary to get the population back under control. This is already happening in many places. These will occur more often if this problem gets any worse.

The economies of the world will feel the strain of supporting so many people. Soon they will take a nosedive, leaving millions of people bankrupt, without food.

If we do not address it immediately, the problem of overpopulation will soon become the biggest problem the world has ever faced. This problem should be approached with force, yet caution. We must create awareness, but not force anyone to not have babies. We must use our knowledge and deal with this problem, as one of the first on our list of priorities.

Date posted : October 18, 1998.

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