Success of Asian students in schools

Many Asian students in U.S.A. generally tend to be superior to Americans academically. This fact is not unknown to many. Many Asians hold high positions in prestigious institutions, and most Asian students are usually put in advanced education programs. What is the secret behind this Asian supremacy in academics?

One of the roots of Asian success might lie in the way they were brought up. Many Asian students realize that having an education is something to treasure. Such an attitude helps students realize the importance of a good education. In addition, students that have studied in Asia have always been exposed to extremely strict rules. Rules that are enforced cannot be broken, and if they are, a student may suffer severe consequences. As a student, I personally feel that most American students are not afraid of detention. Most of the students I have seen treat detention like it is part of everyday life. For Asian students, detention is a humiliating punishment.

Perhaps another reason behind the Asian students’ success exists in their family lives. Like the schools in Asia, the families of all students in Asia expect a little extra from their child, or children. Pressure is applied on all students by their parents for them to perform. Parents take any failure of their children as their own, and instantly take steps to improve their child’s performance.

Another reason might be the constant "disruptions" in the lives of many American students. The parents of many American students are divorced causing an incredibly rough time for the student. Such major changes heavily influence the performance of American students in school.

Finally, another reason I believe that plays a crucial part in the superior performance of many Asian students is that Asians have always given education a top priority. Above I mentioned two reasons why many Asians might perform better in school. Those two reasons underscore one thing, that Asian students and parents consider education as the only way to success. Asian students’ parents sacrifice a lot for their children to get a good education, and they rely on their efforts to get their children comfortably through life. Men such as, hermits, and pundits have been associated with Asia. Men of great wisdom have long been associated as coming from the Himalayas. Such examples only add support to the obvious fact that education is life for many Asians.

Date posted : September 13, 1998.

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