It’s all of life’s happiness packed in a box
Bright stars, and little cheery elves
A neat bow a friendly card
A smiling face
The box is placed in front of you.
The most expressionless face, betrays the glimmer of happiness
The calmest eyes, glow with anticipation
The most indifferent body, quivers with excitement
The most sedate individual’s heart flutters in delight
The bow slowly comes off.
Complacency fills the air
The mind is useless, no longer controlling your body
The adrenaline of a quarterback in the Super Bowl surges through your body
Euphoria grips you as you can think of nothing else
The paper rips, no thoughts about saving it for later
The box opens
The moment of pure titillation is over, but another begins
A new feeling that shall crecendo
Another simple pleasure