"Reading is Fundamental"

Books today remain one of the few ways (that do not include wires and electricity) of communicating with hundreds of thousands people , but the way technology is progressing, they will soon.

The way people react to books has been constantly changing, they were first looked at as a sacred work, then with the invention of the printing press, books became more of a common thing, and it has been so until now. Now most kids look at books with disinterest, books are viewed by some kids as a medicine that they need to get better, they read out of necessity, not by choice. If books had remained a sacred object, the children’s curiosity would have gotten the best of them, and the urge to see what lied inside those pages that were bound together would have increased their interest to read. In my opinion, the day television was invented, was the day the erosion of books started. The constantly changing images and the more attractive visual medium of television have knelt a deathblow to reading habit of kids. Parents always urge their kids to read books and kids, as a rule, tend to disobey anything their parents say. Some kids might enjoy reading books, but kids are like nomads, they cannot stay in one place for an extended period of time, and they do tend to lose interest in books.

One of the disadvantages that books present is that they require trees to make them, and the alarming rate at which rainforests are disappearing from the World, certainly means that we have to act fast to create a material that things can be printed on. Books have been part of our cultural heritage forever, and we cannot let anything stop them from continuing to be part of our cultural heritage. The rate, at which the world is progressing, does suggest that the solution to this problem will be found soon. The bonding of computers and books is, possibly, the only way to prevent reading to be a destructive habit.

Books are one of the most important things in a person’s life, something many people neglect to recognize. Everything in the world today revolves around computers, but all schools use books to teach students and they are a cheap and reliable source of information. After all, not many schools can afford to give all their students a laptop. The laws are written in books, you learn the rules of the roads from books, and just about everything you do in your entire life has something to do with books.

Libraries are the best place to find peace and quiet, not only because they offer complete silence, but time is always spent much more quietly and peacefully when you have books to read. Perhaps the reason books attract so many people is that they provide you with a chance to let your imagination run wild, or it is because you get to find out about things that you never knew about before. Let us all keep this wonderful habit growing. Let us read.


Date posted : July 19, 1998.

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