Nuclear Tension in the Sub-Continent

On May 11, 1998 the world was rocked by underground nuclear explosions in Pokhran, India. The tests came as a complete surprise to the U.S., as it did to the rest of the world. U.S. spy sattelites were completely bypassed, while Indian scientists worked efficiently to set up the test site, in a remote desert corner of India. Indian scientists worked out when satellites would pass over the country and set the test schedules accordingly. In other words, a bait-and-switch that worked.

As the world came to realization of what had happened, the U.S., still recovering from its CIA blunder, was quick to impose sanctions, that sent the already poor economy reeling. Although at that time the fact that India was detonating nukes was viewed as a positive advance, there are now rallies being held in India against further testing. That just goes to show how quickly public attitudes can change.

Since India established itself as a nuclear power, Pakistan has settled the score by detonating 5 nukes of its own, claiming that the world (mainly the U.S.) did not punish India severely enough.

Pakistan, a predominantly muslim nation, and India, a predominantly Hindu nation, have fought three wars since 1947, after they gained independence and split into two nations. Two of the three wars have been fought over the disputed territory of Kashmir, or the "crown of India." Now with both countries having established themselves as nuclear powers, and having demonstrated their capabilities, a disastrous war could be started over a petty dispute.

As a direct result of the rivalry, either country's will to top the other is immense. The two countries have walked into a mine field by propelling themselves into an arms race. Pakistan just yesterday (May 30, 1998) detonated its sixth nucler weapon.

India is known throughout the world as an underdeveloped country, and is often viewed by many as one of the top ten underdeveloped countries. Instead of pulling India out of this list, the government has taken an irresponsible step, not only by not doing anything to help the nation prosper economically, where it matters, but also by doing this they have simultaneously started an arms race with its smaller neighbor, Pakistan. India has not accomplished anything that helps people's lives. Nukes just destroy them.

As we approach the new millenium, the questions about a possible nuclear war continue to grow. India and Pakistan are in an extremely delicate balance and even the slightest disturbance on either side could trigger a disastrous nuclear war. All we can do is to hope that it never happens, after all hope floats.

Date Posted : May 31, 1998.

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