How did it all begin? Have you ever stopped, looked at something and said, "I wonder how that works?" If you find yourself doing that often, there is a resemblance between you and me. For example, I once saw a boy riding a bike and wondered how that mechanism works. At first the scientific explanation occurred to me, the boys for is turning the pedals, which, in turn, transfers the momentum to one of the two gears. This gear then turns the chain, which rotates another gear that turns the back wheel, pushing the entire bike forward. As soon as that was resolved, I thought to myself, what is force? I again, answered the question in the conventional definition, but that definition led to another question. The answer to that led to another question and so on. Soon enough I was thinking about the origins of the universe and who or what could have formed it. At this point, you can see how everything that we talk about comes down to one topic. That eternal question of "Who or what started it all?" Any trivial talk, if you question yourself enough about it will lead to the same question. If I said that I had the answer to this question, I would become the most important man on earth. I can, however, truthfully say that I will try my best to answer that question. Before I even begin answering this question, try to imagine the world of nothingness. Before the universe, it is thought, that there was nothing. There was no time and no matter. Try to imagine our world without time. It is impossible to do so. Now, to further prove my point of how it was, or at least was thought to be, Take away all things that have matter away from the world and that is how it was. With a cliché like, "Time waits for nobody," to imagine a world without it is, obviously, impossible. There are two different beliefs to how this world was formed that I know of. First, there are the atheists and scientists that say that a giant explosion that scattered "star-dust" into several places to form stars and planets and galaxies. Another group believes that a supernatural being created the entire world and universe that we know today. I truly cannot distinguish between the two groups beliefs. I am quite certain that in the subconscious both groups have a supernatural object or being. To the first group, that giant explosion is the supernatural object. To the second group, the supernatural being is god. I see these two theories as both highly probable, yet no different from one another. If you see a man/woman walking down the street and you ask him/her this question, whatever response he/she gives will involve something the likes of which we have never seen before. That to me is supernatural. Be it object or being, supernatural is something we cannot imagine or comprehend. If you were a scientist, you would ask me what created god, and if you were a strict follower of religion, you would ask me what created the explosion. If these two questions are ever answered, and I seriously doubt they will, I am sure the answer will be the same, wording and all.
Date posted: March 21, 1999. What do you think
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