She was one of the thousands who left Cuba in search of prosperity. When she fled Cuba for the United States all she wanted was a better life. She had no idea what the future would entail for her son.

The custody battle over Elian Gonzalez has been raging for quite some time now. Ever since the six-year-old was plucked from the ocean, there have been protests in Cuba demanding Elian’s return. Meanwhile, Elian has been showered with an endless supply of gifts and money. He has been pampered like he never could have been in Cuba. However, when INS decided that the father was the only one that had the power to speak for the boy, protests erupted in Miami. The huge Cuban-American population in that area rebelled against the decision. Soon after, Rep. Dan Burton subpoenaed the boy to testify in front of Congress. Burton said the action was aimed at keeping the boy in the United States past January 14, the deadline set by the INS in giving the courts time to act in the boy's case. In the center of this whirlpool is a six year-old boy whose words, no more than innocent comments, are being used as weapons by politicians.

When Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire claims that Elian asked his help to remain in the United States, Elian’s father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, counters by saying that Elian wishes to return to Cuba. Janet Reno, however, put it best when she said that Elian does not know what he wants. He is, after all, a little boy who will say anything you want him to. It is now reflex for him to raise his index and middle finger in a symbol of peace every time he sees a camera. Similarly, when he hears the voice of his father, he will yearn to be with him and exclaim to him that he wishes to come back. However, when he is surrounded by his toys and presents, he will tell Sen. Bob Smith that he wishes to stay here and not go back to Cuba.

Nobody can know what Elian thinks. However, many do not want to know what he thinks. The entire issue has consumed both nations involved and has become a matter of pride. Cuba will refuse to accept anything that Elian says that hints he wishes to stay in the United States, just as we are not willing to accept any statement that says he wishes to return to Cuba. There have been mass rallies staged in Cuba almost everyday that ask for the return of Elian Gonzalez to Cuba. Such a massive outpouring has not been seen ever since the Pope visited Cuba. Similar protests and movements have occurred in the US as well, when Cuban protestors blocked the roadways of Miami. With such massive protests it must be obvious that each nation has taken its stance on the issue and is unwilling to give way.

Before we plaster Elian’s face over any more magazine covers, and feature him on any more news shows, we must stop a moment to consider the effects that this drama is having on him. He is a boy being torn between two worlds. Each side is tugging as hard as it can and eventually, the pressure on him will eventually reach a point where it is too great, causing him to snap. He is living in a world where he loves his father, but loves where he is now as well. His is a world long forgotten by either side, between which there is no middle ground. The United States’s Cuban Americans, and the entire population of Cuba (though some may be forced) have failed to realize that with every rally and protest, little Elian’s world is being ripped to shreds. His father has told him that he is on vacation, yet he is now going to school. Elian has been subjected to a grueling experience that has tested his ability to hold himself together. If we stop now, perhaps he will weather this storm, if not, who knows how he will come out of it.

I do not have any preference over where Elian goes, I am sure he will be loved on both sides. However, where he is going must be decided now, before it is too late.

Date posted: January 17, 1999.

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