Forest of Mystery
Grey skies cast a gloomy shadow
the sun is lost,
banished from a dark sky,
A curious feeling wants an answer to this question,
But the response is never to be found
A shrill cry trills above
a quick glance, does nothing
a feeling of increasing curiosity comes over
the trilling continues,
the source never to be found
The leafless trees point accusingly,
their many arms sway in the whistling wind,
left to right, ticking like a clock.
Their brown bare trunks,
a foreboding and sturdy shape,
posing a mind-twisting mystery,
the answer is never to be found
A rustle, a crack,
a soft, loud noise,
wary eyes search the landscape,
absorbing all that moves,
but nothing does,
nothing moves an inch,
all things wait for the eyes to leave them,
the reason behind this is never to be found.
The weather is freezing and thunder is heard,
lightning unleashes its rage on the trees
striking at random, any where and everywhere.
The clouds bulge with moisture,
yet, none of them leak,
the answer to this is never to be found.
The forest is crossed,
Danger avoided, no harm done,
Everything is fine, two arms and two legs, all present,
Yet you miss the forest,
Why? The answer is never to be found.
Date posted: January 10, 1999.
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