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Answers to "SPACE" quiz

  1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

  2. Phobos and Deimos

  3. Pluto

  4. A regular shower of meteors appearing to emanate from Eta Persei between July 25 and August 17.

  5. On the Moon.

  6. (b) Sea of Mysteries

  7. Unicorn

  8. 1957

  9. Yuri Gugarin

  10. Valentina Treshkova

  11. The first space walk was carried out.

  12. It was the first international space mission with the USA.

  13. It exploded on the launch pad but the crew were unharmed.

  14. Helen Sharman

  15. It was a chimpanzee.

  16. Alan Shepard.

  17. Scott Glen.

  18. The Ring Nebula

  19. A reusable US space vehicle

  20. November 1982

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