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Answers to "BONANZA" quiz

  1. None
  2. It is best to take a photograph from a man who has a camera.
  3. All of them
  4. The window
  5. He drove in Reverse
  6. Neither, the plane was over the Gulf of Mexico
  7. Nine
  8. Most nuns use spoons
  9. To make the elevator move
  10. Lend me $13
  11. Time to get a new clock
  12. Two men, one of whom was a grandfather
  13. The archaeologists was right. The coin had been found in a cloth carbon dated 200 BC
  14. a) White b) Water (many say milk)


  1. Irrefutable - cannot be disproved

  2. Irrelevant - Not to the point; not relating to the subject

  3. Jargon - specialized vocabulary of members of a group

  4. Judicious - wise; carafe; showing sound judgement, prudent

  5. Kindle - to ignite; to arouse or inspire; to catch fire; to become aroused

  6. Labyrinth - a maze; a complicated, perplexing arrangement or course of affairs

  7. Lackluster - lacking brightness; dull; lacking liveliness, vitality or enthusiasm

  8. Laconic - brief or terse in speech; using few words

  9. Lampoon - strong satirical writing, usually attacking or ridiculing someone

  10. Lassitude - state or feeling of being tired or listless; weariness

  11. Latent - present, but invisible or inactive; lying hidden and undeveloped

  12. Laudable - worthy of praise (laud -v. to praise)

  13. Lethargic - drowsy; dull; sluggish; indifferent

  14. Levity - lightness; lack of seriousness; fickleness

  15. Listless - indifferent; marked by a lack of energy or enthusiasm

  16. Lucid - easily understood; rational; clear; clear-minded

  17. Malicious - spiteful; intentionally mischievous or harmful

  18. Marred - injured; spoiled; damaged; disfigured

  19. Meager - thin; lean; of poor quality or small amount

  20. Meandering - winding back and forth; rambling


  1. Automobile racing was developed soon after automobiles were invented when automakers got in a fight about who was making the fastest, most durable, automobile. This led to the first international auto race in history. It was run in 1895, and was a 732 mile race from Paris to Brodeaux and back. The race was won by the French Panhard, traveling at an average speed of 15 mph.
    In 1900, James Gordon Benet, put up a trophy for a series of races. The cars that competed had to be entirely the products of the country they represented. This really started international racing.

  2. The Chinese first performed Drama like dances in their temples. Later a playhouse was used. It was just a plat form without curtains or changes of lights that had the roof developed like the roof of a temple.


  1. Oasis

  2. Icelandic

  3. UB40

  4. So Far So Good

  5. 'It Must Have Been Love'

  6. Automatic For the People

  7. The Bee Gees

  8. Mick Hucknall

  9. Blondie

  10. The Lightning Seeds


1. 10

2. 16

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