Irrefutable - cannot be disproved
Irrelevant - Not to the point; not
relating to the subject
Jargon - specialized vocabulary of
members of a group
Judicious - wise; carafe; showing sound
judgement, prudent
Kindle - to ignite; to arouse or inspire;
to catch fire; to become aroused
Labyrinth - a maze; a complicated,
perplexing arrangement or course of affairs
Lackluster - lacking brightness; dull;
lacking liveliness, vitality or enthusiasm
Laconic - brief or terse in speech; using
few words
Lampoon - strong satirical writing,
usually attacking or ridiculing someone
Lassitude - state or feeling of being
tired or listless; weariness
Latent - present, but invisible or
inactive; lying hidden and undeveloped
Laudable - worthy of praise (laud -v.
to praise)
Lethargic - drowsy; dull; sluggish;
Levity - lightness; lack of seriousness;
Listless - indifferent; marked by a lack
of energy or enthusiasm
Lucid - easily understood; rational;
clear; clear-minded
Malicious - spiteful; intentionally
mischievous or harmful
Marred - injured; spoiled; damaged;
Meager - thin; lean; of poor quality or
small amount
Meandering - winding back and forth;