Answers to Medley of Subjects

  1. A googol googols.
  2. They are both called Eta.
  3. The Earl of Shaftesbury.
  4. It lies inside an enormous extinct volcanic crater.
  5. The Euphrates.
  6. South-west townships.
  7. Singing in the Rain.
  8. "I'm looking for loopholes."
  9. Lord Haw Haw.
  10. The Common Market.
  11. President Nasser.
  12. The Knesset.
  13. China.
  14. A protien in fibrous connective tissue.
  15. "Abandon all hope, you who enter here!"
  16. Lao-tzu.
  17. It was the world's first printed book.
  18. They were the only British kings since William the Conquerer not to have been crowned.
  19. Boudicca.
  20. None. It is a story told of Caligula with no historical basis.

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