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Answers to "HEALTHY EATING" quiz

SATURATED FATS are those found primarily in meat and dairy products such as coconut, palm and kernel oils.This fat should be kept within 10 PERCENT of your total calories.( or 1/3 of your total fat intake) This fat raises the level of CHOLESTEROL in the body by shutting down receptors that help remove cholesterol from the body.

PolyUNSATURATED FATS are found in safflower, sunflower, corn, cottonseed oils, and some fish. The help LOWER the level of cholesterol in the body.

MonoUNSATURATED FATS are liquid vegetable oils such as olive and CANOLA. They are most like POLYNSATURATED FATS in that they LOWER the level of cholesterol in the blood.

ALL fats must be limited because the carry a lot of calories (9 per gram) and OBESITY is possible.

In the Human body, cholesterol is a WHITE, WAXY substance found in every call. And is needed for normal bodily function. You NEVER have to add cholesterol to your diet. Your LIVER also manufactures cholesterol. Excess can build up in the walls of ARTERIES and can narrow them, slowing or blocking BLOOD FLOW.

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