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Answers to "World Religions" quiz

  1. Brahman.
  2. Zen Buddhism.
  3. The Reformation.
  4. Seven.
  5. The Reverend John Wesley.
  6. Ultimately to unify all Christian Churches.
  7. Mecca.
  8. Vishnu.
  9. Passover, or Pesach.
  10. A riddle in the form of Paradox, used as an aid for meditation.
  11. Pork.
  12. Taoism.
  13. The Latin rite of Rome.
  14. Veda.
  15. Zionism.
  16. Sayings and anecdotes by Mohammed.
  17. Lent.
  18. No.
  19. The Evangelical and Reformed churches.
  20. The liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

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