to "Vocabulary Quiz" quiz
- Embellish - to decorate; to elaborate upon
- Embroil - to involve in a quarrel
- Emulate - to try to equal or surpass
- Enervate - to weaken, to lessen the strength of
- Engender - to cause, produce, to bring into being
- Enhance - to add to; to make greater in value
- Enigma - a puzzle; a baffling situation
- Ephemeral - lasting only for a short time
- Equanimity - evenness of temper
- Equivocate - to use double in order to mislead; to be
shifty; to quibble
- Esoteric - understood only by a select few
- Eulogy - high praise for a deceased person
- Euphemism - use of a indirect expression in place of one
that is harsh
- Evanescent - gradually disappearing; fleeting
- Exacerbate - to make a situation worse; to irritate
- Exemplary - serving as a model
- Expedient - useful; advantageous; based on self-interest
(When used as a noun it is "a means of bringing
about a desired result")
- Expedite - to make easy and quick; to speed up
- Expunge - to erase; to remove completely
- Extol - to praise highly
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